students in lounge

At the start of every fall semester, our Big and Little Brothers head to the Poplar Ridge Challenge Course to kick off their year together. In the Men's Leadership Project, UVA undergraduate men serve as big brothers to local middle school boys, building strong, respectful relationships that help them both grow as leaders in their schools, communities, and families.

The Poplar Ridge Challenge Course, made up of varying activities such as the "Nessy" or "High Y", focuses on team building, problem solving, communication, and trust. This outdoor experience provides a great platform on which our Big and Little pairs can begin to learn about one another and establish trust between one another. Men's Leadership Project Outreach Coordinator, Genevieve Brackins, noted, "Sometimes the Big would encourage a Little and sometimes it was a Little who was helping the Big to climb. These were reminders that the Little’s have as much, if not more to offer, in the way of the Big’s growth and development, as the Bigs have to offer the Littles." 

"It was such a wonderful day watching everyone get to know one another better and help one another out to accomplish the challenges."

Check out these images taken by Anna Taylor

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