students in lounge

Class Year: 2022

Major: Global Security & Justice and Women, Gender & Sexuality

Hometown: Born in Maoming, China. Grew up in Memphis, TN. Live in Camden, ME.

1.    What brought you to the Women's Center?

I've been involved with the Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP) since my second year, and it has been one of the most memorable experiences for me at UVA! I wanted to get more involved with YWLP, so I decided to apply to be an intern, which has allowed me to work more with the amazing people at the Women's Center :)

2.    What is your favorite memory of UVA thus far?

Hanging out with friends late at night, going to the farmer's market with friends and chatting with people in the Charlottesville community, dancing and singing in the rain with friends (I can't choose a favorite memory haha)

3.    Who is a woman that inspires you?

My two younger sisters, because they are both so beautiful, kind, and loving, and I am always learning from them and trying to incorporate that into my own life.

4.    What is one thing you do after a stressful day?

Drink tea, journal, meditate, go on a walk (it depends on what I need at that time, because it can change depending on how I'm feeling).

5.    How does your work with the Women's Center motivate you?

Working with the Women's Center, particularly the people, motivates me to continue this kind of work after college and try to incorporate kindness to others and myself, equity, etc. in my own life.

6.    What is a podcast, TV show, etc., that has grabbed your attention and why?

Asian Boss Girl (ABG), because they help highlight some of the experience of being Asian American. I am adopted, so it's been really cool to try and listen to people who look like me and better understand my experiences and positionality. ABG touches on both serious and lighthearted topics, and it's like listening to friends chatting late at night.