students in lounge
Close up photo of Eryn with skyline and water in background

Class Year: 2024

Major: History and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Hometown: Great Falls, VA and Houston, TX

Program: Iris

1. What brought you to the Women's Center?

I learned about the Women's Center through one of my classes here at UVA, and I knew getting involved in a program on Grounds that's committed to social justice and education would be perfect for me, given what I want to do professionally. I am passionate about writing, which led me to apply to IRIS. I came back for my fourth year because I love the program-- everyone involved in the publication is supportive, and the intellectual and creative freedom I have in writing my pieces is unique.

2. What is your favorite memory of UVA so far?

Despite being somewhat mundane, one of my favorite memories has to be my first dinner with my now-roommates at Ohill dining hall. It was quite possibly the third or fourth day I had even arrived to Charlottesville, and I remember feeling as though I had found a safety net in my new 'people,' even though I was far from home. They are my best friends here to this day.

3. Who is a woman that inspires you?

Cliche, but my mom. My sense of fairness, my ambition, and my willingness to stand up for what is right comes from her. She inspires me through her strength-- she is endlessly kind, AND she knows her worth. When she tells me stories, I never fail to feel awe at how true to herself she's remained throughout her life.

4. What is one thing you do after a stressful day?

I ride my horse! Many of my extracurriculars at UVA are 'academic,' but I'm also on the Virginia Eventing and Dressage Team (a club sport). Riding has always been relaxing to me. It allows me to clear my mind and stay active. Otherwise, I like to read or spend time with friends.

5. How does your work at the Women's Center motivate you?

My work at the Women's Center makes me feel like I am contributing to the political analysis of the world around us. At IRIS, my bread and butter are political pieces and culture critiques. Throughout my time in the WGS department, I've learned that "the personal is political." I always feel satisfied when I write pieces that contribute to the unraveling of inequity in our daily lives, or decipher political issues for a college audience.

6. What is a podcast/TV show/book, etc. that's grabbed your attention recently?

I recently read Less by Andrew Sean Greer. It won a Pulitzer Prize a few years ago-- I can see why! Truly a wonderful book about love's resiliency, growing older, and finding confidence within oneself.